Updated Calendar of 2016/2017 Regional Burning Man Events

**Update Oct 11 2016: thanks everyone for sending me the events I missed. I've updated the list below and also added a section for Burn-like events at the bottom**

Now that the big burn for 2016 is a pile of ashes, here's a calendar of the major regional events calling for your participation over the next twelve months. Clean the dust off your hot pants and venture forth to keep the vibe alive (p.s. let me know which events I missed and I'll add em).

September 2016

Sep 17 - 24th: Pyraegea in Argosaronikos Gulf, Greece

Sep 22 - 25th: Dust-Off near Chicago, USA

Sep 29 - Oct 2nd: Mosaic Experiment in Ohio USA

Hearts of Phyre in Iowa USA (dates tbd)

October 2016

Sep 29 - Oct 2nd - Resonance in Kansas USA

Sep 28th - Oct 3rd: Burning Seed in Southeastern Australia

Sep 29 - Oct 2nd: Mosaic in Ohio USA

Oct 6-10th: Myschievia in Texas USA

Oct 6 - 10th: Playa Del Fuego in Delaware USA

Oct 7 - 9th: Burning Leaves in Pennsylvania USA

Oct 8 - 10th: Burning Japan near Tokyo Japan

Oct 13 - 16th: Youtopia in Southern California USA

Oct 13 - 16th: Engulf in Lousiana, USA

Oct 13 - 17th: Alchemy in Georgia USA

Oct 20 - 23rd: AZ/NM Decompression in Arizona USA

Nectr in Connecticut USA

November 2016

Oct 29 - Nov 1st : Scare-n-Dipity in Tennesse USA

December 2016


January 2017

Jan 13th-15th: Freezerburn in Central Texas USA

Jan 25 - 30th: Kiwiburn in New Zealand

February 2017

Feb 3 - 5th: Love Burn in Miami Florida USA

Feb 16 - 20th: Frostburn in West Virginia USA

Fuego Austral in Argentina (dates tbd)

Burning Bär in Germany (dates tbd)

March 2017

Bequinox near Los Angeles CA USA

Unbroken Spring near Houston TX USA

April 2017

Apr 12 - 15th: Blazing Swan near Perth in Western Australia

Apr 24 - 30th: Afrikaburn in South Africa

Apr 25 - 30th Saguaro Man in Arizona USA

Euphoria Burn in Georgia USA (dates tbd)

May 2017

May 6 - 8th: Unscruz in Santa Cruz, California USA

May 10 - 15th, Reclamaition in Irvine, Kentucky, USA

May 25 - 29th: Flipside in Texas USA

May 25 - 29th: Playa Del Fuego in Delaware USA (dates tbd)

May 26 - 29th: Ignite in Virginia USA

Scorched Nuts in Ohio USA (dates tbd)

Nest in the United Kingdom (dates tbd)

Soak in Portland USA (dates tbd)

Interfuse in Missouri USA (dates tbd)

Serendipity in Tennessee USA (dates tbd)

Dragonburn in China (dates tbd)

The Event Horizon in Nevada USA


June 2017

June 1 - June 4th: To The Moon in Tennessee USA

June 29 - July 4th: Firefly in Vermont USA

Wickerman in Pennsylvania USA (dates tbd)

Apogaea in Colorado USA (dates tbd)

Lakes of Fire in Michigan USA (dates tbd)

Element 11 in Utah USA (dates tbd)

Midburn in Israel (dates tbd)

Otherworld on Vancouver Island in British Columbia Canada (dates tbd)

Gateway in Missouri USA (dates tbd)

Freezerburn in Alberta Canada (dates tbd)

Sunburn in New Mexico USA (dates tbd)

July 2017

Jul 4 - 9th: Nowhere in Spain

July 4 - 9th: Firefly in Vermont USA

July 13 - 16th: That Thing In The Cabin 7 in Minnesota USA

July 15 - 18th: Oblivium in Oklahoma USA

July 28 - Aug 4th: Mooseman in Minden Ontario Canada

Critical Northwest in Granite Falls Washington State USA (dates tbd)

Burn in the Forest in British Columbia Canada (dates tbd)

Transformus in North Carolina USA (dates tbd)

Modifyre in Southeast Queensland Australia (dates tbd)

The Borderland in Sweden (dates tbd)

Where the Sheep Sleep in Netherlands (dates tbd)

Florida en Fuego in Northern Florida USA (dates tbd)

Aug 2017

PortalBurn in New York USA (dates tbd)

.. And then it's time to head back to Nevada from August 27 - Sep 4th for Burning Man 2017.

We really need to move some of these around to give December some love so someone can attend a burn in each month of the year. Would completing such a "Burncathlon" be the best year ever, or ruin your life? we'll never know until we fill out the calendar. 

** Update Oct 11th 2016** you guys are amazing, thanks for all the comments and help compiling the ones I missed. List has been updated with all the events all y'all told me about. Thanks! Also here's a list of Burn-like events that aren't technically regionals, but that are most likely great:


Will Sacks